Posting on Facebook a photo of a simple craft project imagined by our son led to our discover of teru teru bozu. Teru teru bozu is a traditional Japanese dolls made of tissue…
Something happened last night that reminded me of what it is to be a parent. What triggered it is something that all parents do at one time or another. We do it without…
Let’s face it! There is time when letting your children play games on their iPad or your iPhone makes your life easy. With these 5 games for kids ages 4 to 8, you won’t…
I believe that introducing kids to chapter books around 5 prepares preschoolers to kindergarten. The key is finding the right chapter books for their age. What I look for is the right combination…
This artistic alphabet game by Patrick Smith did more than captured my designer eyes. It got my son’s full attention the minute he started to play with it. Every time he opens Metamorphabet,…
Last night, I pledged a Kickstarter campaign that reached its funding code in 17 hours! Now, the makers of Cubetto hope to stretch their goal further in order to develop sooner than…
I started to seriously read about STEAM education last November because I care about how to transmit these scientific, creative and social skills to my son. One book helped me understand how…
Last fall, we had a great time with our 4 years old boy visiting the Gatineau/Ottawa region for a weekend. Our only plans for the weekend were meeting some friends on Sunday and…
Schleich is known for their figurines. I like them for their trucks. Last year, we bought the farm truck with the trailer at the Biodome gift shop. My son played with them all the time. He enjoys removing…
We sometimes forget that our little ones have a busy life. They have a lot of fun at daycare but, like you, having a break from their weekly routine is beneficial…
I became a mom after 40s. I gave birth so late that my age group doesn’t appear in fertility tables. I was 47 years old when I gave birth to my…