Since our arrival in Japan, the weather is not great: very cold for this time of the year and rainy. Therefore, we opted for an indoor activity yesterday afternoon. We visited the permanent exhibit at Edo-Tokyo museum that explores when Tokugawa Ieyasu first built Edo, (renamed Tokyo at meiji Era) in 1590 up to the Edo-Tokyo area. It covers 400 years history.
The exhibit relies on original exhibits, scale models and panels to depict how people used to live in Edo.
The museum covers every aspect of everyday life: from food, commerce to housing, childbirth and parenting. Many 3D models reproduce scenes and the plan of different ares of the city. It is a nice place to visit if you are in Tokyo.
As a bonus, I attended a short class of furoshiki (wrapping cloth). I will share the videos in a day or two.