Vintage Halloween Kids Party at Cookie

Vintage Halloween Kid Party by cookie

Take note because there are plenty of inspirations on these pictures for decorations, costumes and party themes.

When you are hosting a costumed party, it is often more fun to establish a theme. You get the Wow factor by tailoring the decorations and the activities to the theme. It enables you to create a stunning atmosphere.

Party Theme

The Cookie team did a great job on their Vintage Halloween party. The styling job is impressive. With a little bit of imagination, their decor can be reproduced in almost every backyard. Use old branches whenever you wish to create a sense of depth or mystery.

Some kids may require more persuasion but parents should be able to find a way to persuade their kids to dress for a theme. I learned by watching my friends that it is a matter of how you present it to the kids.

Tips for Party Activities

Plan activities for a 2 hours and a half party. Cookies schedule a party that starts at 5 PM. Allow 30 minutes or less per activity. Forecast time between the activities for the kids to move from one activity station to the next.

If the kids are old enough, let them prepare their own pizza. Give each kid a parchment paper on which they will deposit their pizza. Ask the kid to write their name at the top of the parchment paper.

If you host the party on a large lot, you can organize a wrap and race competition. Prepare extra goody bags for the winning team. See the details on the wrap and race activity on Cookie.

You can plan more than one activity at the time. This way, kids will choose the one they preferred. Still, you should try to alternate the groups.

Do you like this Halloween kids party? What are you planning for your kids?

  • DJ
    October 10, 2008 at 21:11

    That looks like so much fun! I love the vintage idea, I just wish I didn’t live in S. Florida where it’s still 90 degrees and we have no fall.