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    ENTERTAINING PARTY ideas + decor

    Battery-operated candles for your peace of mind

    flameless candle impressionsThey are popular in restaurants, hotels and commercial events for security reasons. When you think about it, they could be a life saver when entertaining at home.

    First of all, battery-operated candles do not require supervision. You can create the ambiance you like ahead of time so everything is perfect when your friends enter the room.

    Candle Impressions manufactures pillar flameless candles that emit a realistic flickering. Their pillar candles take many forms. Swirl, Hurricane, Koshi,Twist and Bookend add more creative. The typical square and round pillars are available in different heights and surfaces.

    Flameless candles come handy for outdoor use since they are not subject to the wind factor. This is a safe option to light your pumpkins this year.

    A long list of retailers in Canada and the Unites States sells the flameless candles by Candle Impressions. Refer to their Web site to find a retailer near you.

    And be kind to the environment by using rechargeable batteries.

    Learn more: Flameless candles by Candle Impressions – starting at $11.95 USD
    Learn more: Store locator for these flameless, battery-operated candles