I like the style of the string shopping bags. At moment it feels European while at other time it feels bohemian. I wish to know if you find them more practical than the Envirosax or the RuME bags? I am thinking of trying them. Here are three models that caught my eyes.
+ Stretch Bag by Artecnica is made from recycled billboard. There is also a leather version vinyl $16 USD, leather $95
+ Black Organic Cotton String Bag starts at $6.95 USD
+ ECOBAGS EarthTone Cotton String Bag Set with Hemp StuffSack 5 bags $29.95 USD
Do not forget to tell me what type of reusable shopping bags you use.
November 3, 2009 at 17:49The Artecnica ones look great! The others may be difficult to strech when you take them out of your bag.
December 14, 2009 at 13:18I grew up in Hungary, we used to make the “artecnica” in grade 3 or 4 in school. They are funky, and easy to make.