Simply Cute DIY Party Hats

diy party hats country road

diy party hats country road

For newsworthy party hats, look no further than these cute and simple party hats shown in Country Road’s catalogue. I like the idea to make two models: the playful conical hat and the crown. You could split it two ways: one model for the girls, the other for the boys or reserve the crown for the guest of honor.

diy party hats country road

Nice details include painting the edge of the crown. Country Road is an Australian retailer.

+ photos:  Country Road Kids Summer 2011 video

  • Pear Tree Greetings
    October 4, 2011 at 15:39

    So cute! I could see the cones out of pink construction paper with a little tissue paper or thin scarf out the top for a princess hat. I’m sure the kids could have a good time decorating these even further! -Steph

    • Kim
      October 4, 2011 at 17:48

      Steph: This was my thought also. I am glad that you mentioned it.

  • angela@spinachtiger
    October 6, 2011 at 08:28

    Kids love party hats even when there is no party.