Reuse for a Happy Earth Day!

earth day 2008

Recycle is good, reuse feels great! If you possess things that I do not use anymore, the green solution is to make sure someone uses your old stuff. Go ahead and unclutter your home. It makes sense economically and ecologically.


Even if you prefer buying new products, you can still participate in the equation. You simply have to donate or to sell your old stuff. Second-hand markets are getting more popular. It helps people that are less fortunate and it reduces your footprint of the landfill. 

Think twice before you buy a new thing. It is best to buy better quality items because they perform well over a longer period of time. They are the ones with the best reuse value.

The socialite never wears the same dress twice for events. So why not rent night gowns, bridesmaid dresses and even your wedding dress? A few specialized shops around the world rent high end handbags. I kept my wedding dress for 13 years now; nicely sealed like we are supposed to. I decided to sell it to a store that updates used wedding dress. I should have done it many years ago.

The same is true for your furniture, books, children toys and sport equipments. Before you throw something, ask yourself if someone can reuse it.

More Green Tips

I compiled a brief list of wonderful resources and events on green living. Here, my seven comments on the 50 Ways to Help Our Planet presented by Wire & Twine:

  1. One thing that I learned is that your vehicle could get up to 15% better mileage when is on the cruise control. Interesting fact!
  2. I hang dry most of my clothes. It preserve them longer.
  3. I stop buying newspapers several years ago. Too much waste. You can read the newspapers at a café for free or get informed on the Web.
  4. I do not need to telecommute since I live at a walking distance from my office. It is also less stressful.
  5. I skipped the coffee stirrer and the spoon whenever I can. You simply pour milk first and then the coffee; the mix occur naturally.
  6. I always download my software. Faster and no box to open.
  7. I do not own an answering machine. Phone companies offer a better service without cluttering my house with a machine.

These articles provide interesting  green living information:

What new green initiatives are you integrating into your life? Any eco-friendly tips to share?

Learn more: Free is Good Web site from Yahoo!
Via: Swissmiss

  • Sabina
    April 22, 2008 at 22:19

    Love your 7 tips since I do all of them I feel like I’m having a more successful Earth Day already!!

    Also, love how your site looks!!Beeeautiful!!

    Happy Earth Day Kim!!