One day, my husband and I wish to build our own modern cottage on a hill facing a lake. We are not ready yet but we are looking at options; it is better to be prepared.
With all the snows we get down here, this warm modern architecture, cantilevered roof prefabricated house may be our solution.
Designed by Balance associates architects from Seattle, the Modern Homes cabin has a pleasing design. Three lines of prefabricated cabins are available to meet your needs. The cabin can be one or two storey high. The plans are neither too big nor too small.
Completed in 3 months
The advantage of a prefabricated home is that it reduces the total construction time. Building on a lake is more complicated than building in the city. You do not have access to the stores if you are short on materials and you may need to bring specialized workers. Therefore, having a lot of factory-build components simplifies things.
Space Planning to Fit Your Lifestyle
My wish list includes a main section for the public spaces and two wings: a guest wing and our private area wing for the master bedroom, bathroom and home office. As a blogger and a host, this floor plan would fit my lifestyle.
The bridge that separates the guest rooms from the rest of the house is on my wish list. Having a guest wing has several advantages for you and your guests. It provides privacy to your guests, especially if they come with children. For you, it reduces the traffic and cleansing needs since it is inside to the main house. You can save on energy by reducing the temperature of the guest wing during winter.
Families will use the wing for the kid bedrooms, assuming the kids are old enough. You can design a wider bridge and place two single bedrooms for extra sleeping quarters.
Green House
All Method Homes models will target LEED for Homes 2.0 gold or higher. Visit their Method Homes for the list of sustainable materials and practices.
+ Method Homes
+ Rental info: Mount Baker Brand New Contemporary Cabin “The Method Cabin” – price: $250 USD/Night, $1500/Week
+ Via: Method Homes prefab [Dwell blog]
July 24, 2008 at 06:56I would be delighted to design your home so !
riza torres
January 17, 2011 at 03:53this is the one! i love to build my own house someday. well, can i have your permission to have this on my thesis defense if this can help. please suggest more advantages in this green architecture.. thank you very much..:)