Looking Back at the Modern Office

office dated from 1935

office dated from 1935

If we were turning back the clock 75 years ago, these are the desk accessories that you will want in your office. This 1935-40’s office was way before Mad Men. It is so funny to look at how things have changed.

globe cigarette holder from 1935-1945

For one thing, smoking used to be a big industry not just for the cigarette sales but also through the variety of smoking accessories. Look at this fancy globe cigarette holder. There were a floor ash tray table plus an ask tray on the desk.

lamp and intercom system

At one time, the Amplicall was a state of the art intercom system. It is made of bakelite, plastic, rubber and glass. Its style is similar to the executive lamp manufactured by Polaroid. An interesting fact is that the Amplicall was produced by another company, Rauland-Borg Corporation.

old typewriter

Look at how tall was the telephone.

thermos pitcher from 1935

I like the shape of the light green Thermos insulated pitcher and tray. If I had one, I would still use it.

You can admire this office of a past era by visiting the Decorative Arts and Design collection at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.