I wish you a Happy Labor Day! I hope you are taking some time off to relax with friends and family.
I will work on a new feature for my blog with my husband today. Then, we will ride my bike. It will replace my exercise session since the gym is closed today.
Going up the Mont Royal keeps you in shape. If we have time, we will have a picnic at the top of Mont-Royal near the Lac des Castors.
Labor Day Sale
You are having a break at Etsy with many sellers offering discounts this long weekend. There is still some time left to benefit from the rebates.
+ LABOR DAY SALE Art Magnet – Noise (Bird, Music and Lots to Say) Large, Reproduction, Wafer Thin by peaceofpi – price: $3.50 USD
+ LABOR DAY SALE Silver Ball Chain Necklace by Clamored – price: $7 USD
+ UPCYCLED Olive Green VINTAGE Suitcase with Tree and Crow at GetReadySetGO – price: $44 USD
+ Pre Labor Day Sale Warm Autumn Mushrooms by craftsty – price: $5 USD for a set of 5 + Like Decole Mushroom Set by cratsty – price: $10 USD