Blood Bath Props for an Horror Movie Halloween Party

Butcher's Apron and blood bath shower gel

Butcher's Apron and blood bath shower gel

You can scare your party guests in an unusual room of your home, that is the bathroom, with the Blood Bath collection by Spinning Hat, a London based gift design company. Designed to recreate an ultra realistic horror movie shower scene, the products range from a shower curtain, bath mat, shower bath, a butcher’s apron and Dead Tired pillow cases.

Butcher's bloody Apron packaging

Do not throw away the box of the Butcher’s Apron, seeing it is enough to put your guests in the mood. The possibilities of scenes are limited by your imagination. You do not have to stage the obvious.

blood bath shower curtain and bath mat

Blood Bath Shower Curtain $19.99 USD at Think Geek
Horror Movie Bath Mat $19.99 USD
+ Butcher’s Bloody Kitchen or Grilling Apron by Spinning Hat  $17.94 USD
Blood Bath Shower Gel £4.99 at Spinning Hat – since they are out of stock at Think Geek