A stylish potato, apple and camembert entree cooked by La Tartine Gourmande

potato, apple, camembert timbale by la tartine gourmande

With the week-end at the corner, it is the perfect time to introduce this delicious entrée prepared with seasonal products.

This recipe looks really appetizing. Be warned, you will be inclined to find excuses to prepare the Potato, Apple, and Camembert timbales. For a start, everybody knows that it is best to cook a recipe at least once before serving it at any event.

If you are a fan of the popular blog La Tartine Gourmande, you probably recognized the work of food stylist and photographer Beatrice Peltre. Bea made these Potato, Apple, and Camembert timbales for The Boston Globe.

What do you need?

You need one ramekin per person, a mandoline and parchment paper to prepare this entree.

The ingredients are easy to find. You need Yukon Gold or Yellow Finn potatoes, a red cooking apple, a piece of Camembert cheese, some butter, all spice, fresh oregano, salt and pepper. Do not forget a pack of fresh herbs in bloom for plating.

For the instructions, read the Boston Globe article. Enjoy!

Recipe: Potato, apple, and camembert timbales published on The Boston Globe
Photo credit: La Tartine Gourmande – all rights reserved by Beatrice Peltre

  • Sabina
    October 26, 2007 at 13:23

    ooooh…that looks yummy…i’ll have to try this.