No more guesswork about the age of leftovers with DaysAgo

DaysAgo Digital Day Counter

I went to DemoCamp Montreal 3 tonight. Jerome, my husband, presented one of his software creations. That is why I am so late on my blog schedule.

Maybe it is the result of being around geeks all night long but this nifty digital kitchen gadget starts to grow on me. Named DaysAgo, this unique device counts the days so you do not have too. Winner of several awards including the Good Housekeeping Good Buy Award 2007, it was featured last February on Oprah.

How does DaysAgo work?

You activate the device before placing it on the food container. There is no need to attach it to another unit or system. The device will display the number of days since you activate it. It is battery operated – a battery can run for about 18 months.

Not just for food, Days Ago simplifies your life by keeping track of the last time you watered your plants, you cleaned the fish tank, and you did litter box refreshment and so on. This is perfect for a household with many occupants.

Even if you are not interested by this product, visit their Web site for the Refrigerator Storage Chart that was reproduced from the US Food & Drug Administration.

The magnetic DaysAgo Digital Day Counter works best for jar lids and refrigerators. Get the suction for plastic and glass containers. They are sold in package of 2 for $10 USD.

Another example of technology that is beneficial for humanity. That is it for now. To stay sharp, I am going to play a round of Brain Age on my Nintendo DS.

For Americans, buy online: Web site of DaysAgo – 
For Canadians, buy online: Days Ago Digital Day Counter at
Learn more: Refrigerator Storage Chart – Fresh Tips on