I am in a friendly tournament of Canadian Marketing/Media Blogs

I am running late today on my normal story schedule; I will post it this afternoon tonight. But in the meantime, I have a message of interest for all great Canadian bloggers. You can submit your blog or nominate a Canadian blog that you admire to join a friendly blogging tournament. It is a great way to get exposure and to discover the best of Canadian blogosphere.

I was thrilled this week when I received my invitation. I am officially in. I am new to this; but I guess I may need the support of my readers. So I will let you know. I start to go through the list of new blogs I discovered through the 1 % army.

If you are a member of Facebook, check out the Canada’s 1% Army (Marketing/Media Bloggers) group for more information. Otherwise, you can get the details on Buzz Canada Web site.

An extended view of friendship through social networks

If you are in Facebook and want to add me as my friend, I invite you to do so. A popular blogger Robert Scoble with his “Add me as your friend” approach started this trend. You may not know about this story. My husband wrote a simple follow up article on the impact of Facebook and the definition of friends in social networks. He pointed out related links.

And do not worry. I will come back to our regular programming style starting with a post on French style outdoor party.

Link: Canada’s 1% Army (Marketing/Media Bloggers) on Facebook
Link: The 1% Army Wants You – A Tournament of Canadian Marketing/Media Blogs
Link: Facebook: how to make Robert Scoble is Media’s life simpler

  • Jenn
    July 20, 2007 at 00:27

    I sent you a facebook friends request 🙂
    What a great idea, I would nominate your blog as well =)