Windowfarms Let’s You Grow Food Inside Your Home


If you have a sunny window in your kitchen, this upcoming product might be for you. I like the idea to grow fresh vegetables and herbs all year round. For most of us, it means to do it inside. That’s where Windowfarms can help you. Brita Riley, a Brooklyn resident, founded Windowfarms in 2008. She wants to bring the system to a new level with this prototype. And to do it, she needs the help of potential customers.In short, Windowfarm is a vertical hydroponic garden system designed to grow food in your windows. Each four-pod Windowfarm measures four feet in height. You can hang it from a hook above the window, or let it sit on the floor or a shelf by your window. I like the effect of  a multi-column vegetable gardens.

What Can You Do?

The bad news is that this cool product is not yet available. The good news is that you can make it happen by pledging a purchase. Windowfarms is seeking $50,000 in pre-sales to help them meet minimum orders for manufacturing. Since the orders (pledges) are made via Kickstarter, you know that they will get your money only if they are able to attain their pre-sales objectives. The terms of use of Kickstarter is clear about that: Every Kickstarter project must be fully funded before its time expires or no money changes hands. Therefore, you have nothing to lose. There are still 19 days to go.

Windowfarms will ship to the United States and Canada.

+ Order (pledge) your Windowfarms on Kickstarter Special introductory prize $99 USD for one-column

  • Justine
    November 18, 2011 at 09:53

    I started a small herb garden on my kitchen sill (ok, it was only cilantro…baby steps!), but I started getting SO many fruit flies I eventually tossed the whole project. Any ideas for preventing this?

    ~Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One

  • Viviane Bauquet Farre / Food and Style
    November 18, 2011 at 13:00

    Justine, there’s two easy solutions for fruit flies:
    1/ vacuum them up periodically
    2/ place a small amount of dishwashing liquid in a small bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a bit of water. Whisk until it foams up. The flies will be attracted to the vinegar, but will get caught in the soap foam and perish. It works quite well. Replace the dish every day.
    Good luck and don’t let those little flies deprive you from growing fresh herbs 🙂