What Kind of Hostess Are You?

This is the title of a little quiz I took this morning on Martha Stewart’s Web site. I did it even if I am fully aware of my entertaining philosophy.

I bring style, creativity and comfort to my parties. I believe in time saving solutions. This includes buying fine products from local shops instead of doing everything myself. I am not ashamed to say that I am not crafty. But once in a while, I will engage in handmade projects for my parties.


According to Martha’s quiz, I am a Thoughtful Hostess. I lose points for not do everything hand-made and not wrapping the left-over meals. I am too busy for that and I do not eat left-over. I like that we can compare our quiz answers with how other participants answered.

Interesting Patterns in Answers

To the question How long before a dinner party do you invite guests?, I answered 1 month. In fact, for a casual dinner (no special occasions) I typically invite people 2 weeks in advance. For birthdays or a special theme party, I will invite people at least one month in advance. The overall results show that

  • 65% invite guests 1 week in advance
  • 32% invite guests 1 month in advance

When a guest offers to bring something to your home, most people (58%) declined the offer since they plan for everything while more than a third (40%) welcome that the guests bring their favorite treats to share.

One question that was awkwardly asked was about the guest room. This question illustrated the disconnection in Martha Stewart’s ideal living and reality. Many urban people live in a small house or a condo unit where clearly there is no space for a guess room. This is my case. For that reason, I did not know if we should answer how we wish our guest room to be instead of how we do it right now, out of necessity. The answers were:

  • 58% answered: Simple wall art and bedding in calming colors, a bedside water pitcher, reading materials, an extra toothbrush, and a single flower in a bud vase.
  • 34% answered: What guest bedroom? Guests are always invited to stay, and can grab a spot on the couch or air mattress; there are plenty of extra pillows and blankets.

This weekend Lianne of Babyburrito described me in her blog as “Martha Stewart with an edge and way more appeal.” It is SO nice of her to say that! I will stick to my style.

+ What Kind of Hostess Are You? quiz

  • Nathalie Rivard
    February 23, 2009 at 14:06

    We have almost the same score: 88.45 Thoughtful hostess. 🙂

    I agree with you that some of the things apply mostly to people with bigger houses and extra rooms to spare. But I think that being a good hostess means that we can entertain anywhere be it a house, a beach, a backyard. I once had a party in a tiny appartment where my 22 guests said they had the best party ever! So, it’s more the spirit and being present to your guests that counts.

    And this, you got it!

  • Shevonne
    February 23, 2009 at 16:28

    I got 88.46 Thoughtful Hostess

  • At Home with Kim Vallee
    February 23, 2009 at 18:02

    I did it twice to write the post. The first time I got 88.44% and the second time, I got the 88.46%. It is weird since I am pretty sure that I gave the same answers. What matter the most is that we share the same talents and the same pursuit for great entertaining.