Do You Make Your Own Ice Cream?

delightful frozen assets:: ice cream by canadian chefs

I dream of making my own ice cream. My brother even bought me a machine a few years ago. I am ashamed to admit that I never made my own.

But it is about to change. I read on a plane an article about unique flavor combinations that inspire me. Ice cream made with chocolate and cooking herbs I adore. It reminded me of the pleasure I got when I first tasted a dark chocolate bar that contains thyme.

On my to do list this summer are (scroll a little bit the page):
Alex Burgess’ Lavender Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Susur Lee’s Chocolate and Coriander Ice Cream with Roasted Almonds

I was curious to know. Do you make your own ice cream? If so, what is your favorite flavor? Have you experiment with unique taste?

+ Frozen Assets in En Route

  • tara
    June 22, 2009 at 09:04

    Hello Kim; I do make our own ice creams and frozen yogurts. On special occasions I will make a traditional custard base, but most often I use a simple milk/cream base as inspired by the recipes of Jeni Britton – they’re terribly simple and very rewarding.

    Beyond vanilla bean, which is such a staple these days with fresh berries, I often do creamy mango, a spiced vanilla with cardamom and cinnamon, strawberry, mint chip (steep fresh mint into your cream before churning) and Vietnamese coffee (condensed milk base, strong coffee).

    Experimenting is truly part of the fun, and with reasonably-priced ice cream makers out there, homemade ice cream is really quite an accessible treat.

    • At Home with Kim Vallee
      June 22, 2009 at 12:07

      Tara: I will check out the recipes of Jeni Britton because we do not always have the time to make the custard base.

  • Ryan
    June 25, 2009 at 10:38

    Hey, Kim!

    Let us know if you try any of Jeni’s home recipes; we’d love to hear how things turn out 🙂


  • Tanya McGinnity
    June 30, 2009 at 09:30

    I’d love to hear all about your ice cream making experiences.

    With my food allergies, I’ve always wanted to make my own ice cream as a way to enjoy delicious flavours without being jealous of my friends Ben & Jerry!

    It also sounds like a great way to experiment with flavours not usually combined or made popular by the major manufacturers. Chocholate chai cinnamon chip anyone?