A Lot Happened in 3 Months | Being a First-Time Mom

I can’t believe that my little baby son is already 3 months old (he reached it last week). I met lately a few parents-to-be who ask me what to expect, which gave me the idea to share my impressions so far. They say that the first 5-6 weeks are hard and they do not lie. I recall the first days where I wore a PJ all day and was wondering when I could go back to a routine where I do my hair and wear make up every day. But it happened quicker that I imagined at that time. We all need some “Me” time. I feel that it boosts a new mom’s morale to try to look good on a daily basis.

The wonderful thing about being a new parent is that it gets easier every day. I would say that you grow with your baby. You get better organized and always fine-tune some kind of routine. I say some kind of routine because your baby will dictate when you will do things. Right now, I am in heaven. His feedings are going well and are pretty regular. I have a pretty good idea of when it is the right time for quick naps during the day. I have a set of activities to entertain him during the day. I am able to run errands with him during the afternoon. I cook dinner and we are able to enjoy our meal most of the nights. As a bonus, my son sleeps 9 to 10 hours a night. Nonetheless, I am still impressed by how much time you must put to take care of a young baby.

Baby Nasal Aspirator

nasal aspirator for baby

Since he was born, I learned new skills and discovered baby products that I would have never imagined. One of those is the baby nasal aspirator by hydraSense. I received a sample from a PR person in Montreal. I must say that we hesitated to use it at first. When we finally did, a day where it was obvious that my baby needed it, we were impressed by its effectiveness. Our son doesn’t appreciate the process but it works. We use it with Easydose, a seawater nasal drop dispenser that you use to liquefy mucus.

I started an incredible journey and I know that the next 3 months will bring even more adventures. I am leaving you with a cute photo of my son.

  • Kori Clark
    June 18, 2011 at 11:43

    So sweet!! I agree about the me time! Doing my hair and make up in the beginning (even when I was home all day) made me feel so much more “put together”. It’s always the little things!

  • Jennifer
    June 18, 2011 at 15:46

    Hey New Mom! I’m so excited for you. That first year is hard. But all stages have their challenges. Mostly, I love my son more than words can say. Isn’t that true? You think you know what love is until you look into your baby’s eyes and realize you didn’t… until that moment.

    • Kim
      June 18, 2011 at 22:55

      It’s so true, Jennifer. It is an unconditional love. I am so proud of him. What makes it easier is that he now interacts with me. When he smiles at me or at Jerome with all his admiration, It feels my heart with joy. I am looking forward for all the adventures we will live together and to see who he will become.

  • Bee | Rasa Malaysia
    June 23, 2011 at 20:24

    Congratulations, what a cutie. My baby is 9 months old. It’s so great being a first-time fun, and yes, the little ones just warms our heart with so much joy. 🙂

    • Kim
      June 23, 2011 at 23:41

      Thank you, Bee. I am amazed by how much he learned lately. I saw that you have been busy this year. You managed to write a cookbook while being a new mom. I am impressed. Congratulations!

  • hena tayeb
    June 27, 2011 at 12:16

    Congratulations. That is amazing. Mine just turned 1 last week..